

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one– Bruce Lee.

Beauty Within Tragedy

“When you are taking stock of your lives, and you are able to discover the gifts within the tragedies, within the failures, within all of the ways in which your life has not measured up by your standards. They are not your badges of honour to be worn like war wounds. That is not what we are saying. We are simply asking you to look for the ways in which the detours, the obstacles, and the pitfalls have led you to something even better. When you look for the opportunity for beauty within tragedy, you have everything that you need, everything that could ever come from having a human experience on planet Earth.” – Archangel Michael

WOW! Turning Adversity into Advantage!!! Not easy because there are people who are very sick, people who lack the finances to sustain themselves. However, there is already so much happening all over the planet where people are showing amazing compassion to help others – like never seen before!!! People coming together to help – showing kindness and generosity.

*We are all one ’species’ one humanity and we’re starting to show it. 

So when we can see the good, when we can see the ‘gift’ in our challenges we’re putting ourselves in a positive state versus a negative state (making peace with where you are). 

I can have pain in my body and feel powerless or I can have the same pain and feel HOPEFUL – that is the difference between healing and not healing. Get it? Hope versus powerlessness. 


  • This time is the tremendous catalyst for change and inner growth, but the inner growth can only happen if we take the right steps which our work together is facilitating
  • Many people are coming to the deeper parts of themselves and finally having some quiet and having to take a look within
  • This current experience that we all having on the planet is waking us up to our weak links – whether they be our behaviour or our beliefs. This is not a bad thing and it’s a gift because sometimes there are many things in our lives that are out of balance
  • We need to find what works and keep doing more of that and discard that which is not working
  • There a tremendous surge in the creativity levels on the planet now
  • The planet is going very quiet and is going through a huge reset right now 
  • This global disruption is affecting all of us but in a unique way because of our unique situation and we’re having to become very creative as we move forward
  • In a lot of ways we’re all having to change our worldview because a lot of our old ways of looking at life and our lives are no longer relevant 
  • This situation won’t last forever but the work that you doing now internally and the inner gains you will experience, and the expansion you’ll experience will last for eternity – “What We Do In Life Echoes In All Eternity” -Gladiator 


  • Growth is spurred on by desire, and desire is often spurred on by pain.” – Quan Yin.
  • “Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize that strength, move on.” – Henry Rollins.
  • “Every problem is a gift – without problems, we would not grow.” – Anthony Robbins
  • “Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body.” – Seneca