
“Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax.” – Bryant McGill

We all have a basic schedule that we want to keep during the day to be effective in what we’re doing. And if you’re smart you’re going to find time in that schedule for YOU. 

It’s vital to find time to nourish yourself, private time for you to recharge, and center your energy.  So what is it that nourishes you? What is it that really feeds you and gives you energy and not detracts from that energy.

This has to become a lifestyle. Lifestyle is two things:

  1. It’s quality of life 
  2. And the standard of living. 

Most people are focused on maintaining a standard of living with all the material things that they want. Like TVs, cars, and gadgets. However, when it comes to the quality of life few know what that means. It means quality meaningful time with your family, our mental and physical health.

So make a list of what nourishes you, and you can refer to every-week.

Put these activities in your priority list in your Ideal Week.

Remember that when you’re in stress, negativity, and the survival mode. You create Adrenaline, Cortisol which is very debilitating for the body itself. 

Cortisol and Adrenaline block the communication in the body to produce healthy hormones. So this limits the body to create hormones like Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphins which are your happy drugs, which keep you in health and well-being. 

This is science is telling us that communication between the glands in the body are been interrupted by thoughts and feelings of stress.

The body has needs and RELAXATION is the major priority for your body which we seem to ignore. 

Unfortunately most people try to relax through alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs, or even illegal drugs. I’m sure you know of some people who are in rehab right now or have been there. 

We really do live in a crazy world where the above is very popular even though these habits are destructive (people are so crazy that they’re proud of their addictions).

The world is changing – but it is a personal choice for each of us.
The Survival of the Fittest has changed to the Survival of the Wisest” – Jonas Salk.

Here is what the wise focus on (as boring as it might sound to the crazies)

  • Rest well 
  • It’s about getting out where beautiful things are like Nature
  • Play with people who are fun (your very own children are a great start)
  • Watch movies that are uplifting (Nature shows and comedies are my favourite)
  • Think thoughts that feel good do our mental, emotional gym exercises
  • Write out what you like about yourself
  • Think nice things about others – make a list of what you like about them
  • Quiet your mind in regular meditation

Wise Lady

Martina Navratilova was once asked, “How do you maintain your focus, physique and sharp game even at the age of 43?”

She gave a humble reply, “The ball doesn’t know how old I am”. You need to stop yourself from stopping yourself. Every game in life is actually played on a 6-inch ground – the space between your two ears. We don’t live in bungalows, duplexes, or flats. We live in our mind which is an unlimited area. Life is great when things are sorted and uncluttered there. Keeping the mind messy with hatred growing on the table, regrets piling up in the corner, expectations boiling in the kitchen, secrets stuffed under the carpet, and worries littered everywhere ruin this real home. The key factor to performing well in life and in every arena is the ability to control the quality and quantity of your “internal dialogue”. Performance is potential minus internal interference. Live in peace, not in pieces.”