The prevailing worldview looks at life as a purely physical experience, but the old Metaphysical traditions and now Quantum Physics tell us that we are ‘energy’ beings, and not just blood and guts.
Metaphysics means beyond the physical – seeing and touching. Even though you can’t see these invisible forces, you can observe them? What are the invisible forces at work in your company, your family, your life? It’s the attitude, the energy, the frequency, and the collective vibes of everyone.
“Spirit is an invisible force made visible in all life.” – Maya Angelou
Quantum Physics is the study of matter at the atomic level, what is invisible to the eye – for me the awesome thing is learning how these minute molecules influence matter. Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world.
“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality” ― Carl Sagan
Lasting change comes from the inside out. First we change from within and then we change our outer world. However, we’re addicted to the external world and neglect to work out of the internal world.
“The visible world is the invisible organization of energy” – Physicist Heinz Pagels
So there are two spheres of existence:
The Physical world – which we see and touch
The Metaphysical world or Quantum world – which we cannot see or touch
The physical world is in a sense inferior to the invisible world, simply because the physical world comes second.
“The Lord God made the earth and heavens and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew” – Genesis 2:4-5
There was a mental picture established within the mind of the creator before it became a reality, and every one of us is their own designer and builder, like the creator.
We make creations within before they materialise on the outside. Most people are sloppy about the mental pictures they allow into their thinking; and then their life experiences are sloppy and messy.
I love the metaphysical and quantum approach to the 8 Dimensions of Success – here’s my take on it:
- Spiritual: I’ve been meditating since 1973 and through my experiences I ‘know’ I’m a spiritual being, and the physical as wonderful as it is, is not who-I-really-am. I love Pierre Teilhard de Chardin quote: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
- Mental: Success has always been the work of the mind. Your manifestations have always been a reflection of the work you doing with your thinking and feelings. Your thought turns into an emotion, into words, into behaviour, then into material experiences. Your emotions that you experience are an indicator of what you are doing with your mind. In other words the thought is the preference you’ve made and your mood you experiencing is the explanation of that choice.
- If you feel safe and sound you are
- If you feel exposed you are
- If you feel healthy you are
- If you feel sick you are
- If you feel prosperous you are
- If you feel depleted you are
- You are what you feel!
- Work: The fastest way to success is the laziest. We were built to be successful with effortless-ease. The true heroes responsible for all advances in the world have primarily been lazy people – the creative person is a lazy person – they want to do less and achieve more.These astounding beings knew that there must be an easier way, a quicker way, a simpler way, a safer way, and they were determined to find a better way that involved LESS WORK.
- Financial: True wealth is being genuinely happy and no amount of money can buy that. Of course having lots of money is a wonderful bonus. Remember, that in this material world, you cannot have an experience until you’ve created it first in thought. When you think and feel prosperous, you will attract prosperity.
- Health: It’s been said that the first wealth is health – if you’ve ever been ill, you understand that so clearly. Being healthy in body and mind is the challenge, because the two are intimately connected. “Diseases of the mind impair the bodily powers” – Ovid. Up to 70% of patient visits to the doctor are for stress-related illnesses.
- Leisure: We need to cultivate “Dolce far Niente” – The sweetness of doing nothing! Learning to decompress and relax is vital in our stressed-out, multitasking culture.Why? Because our bodies and our nervous system are constantly stuck on high.
- Friendship: Here’s an interesting exercise: Make a list of the people you call friends; answer next to each person’s name why you are still friends; acknowledge what kinds of things you get from them; also what kinds of things to you give them; then the biggie – are there changes you should make? Because if they’re not supporting the lifestyle you like to live, then should you change these friends to ones who will support you in your new decisions.
- Family: In her book Sacred Contracts, Caroline Myss says that we all have unwritten contracts with our families. Briefly a ‘sacred contract’ with your family, is a commitment to expand each other’s spiritual consciousness. The people we learn most from are the ones who push our buttons. The payment we give each other is in spiritual capital – an insight, a reality check, self-understanding, and they help us develop spiritual attributes such as compassion, selflessness, kindness and love.The awareness of my sacred contract with my children has kept me working on improving myself not just as a parent, but also in my understanding that my children are my teachers more than I theirs. When I look back over the many years being with them, I realise now just what powerful teachers they really were, and I love them dearly for that.
Here below is a letter I’m very proud of that I received from my daughter Kim.