
Your Life Is A Self-fulfilling Prophecy

“Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. What you believe about Life will be your experience of Life.” – Neale Donald Walsh.

So what Self-Fulfilling Prophecies are we creating with our minds? How can you tell what your current self-fulfilling prophecies are? As I’ve said many times just look at your finances, look at your body, look at your relationships, look at your work, look at the traffic patterns you drive in.

If we desire to change then we have to change our INTERNAL STATES in order to create positive changes in our finances, in our body, our relationships, in our work, in the traffic we drive-in.

One of the most powerful ways I can get you to recognise how powerful your thinking is and the effect it has on you is to discuss the subject of the Placebo Effect.

Some of you I’m sure have heard of the Placebo Effect. But what is a placebo and what is a nocebo?

First, a placebo is when people are given a sugar pill or get a saline injection and their belief is this is going to make them better. So in truth, it is the belief that is making them better.

Placebo research shows that people suffering from depression who were given placebo’s – and the researchers found that 83% of people who responded positively actually manufactured dopamine (the feel-good hormone) in their brains by as much as 200% more.

 The rest who had a negative outlook from the start of the trials showed no change. 

The Placebo effect has a shadow side called the Nocebo. The same mind-body power that can heal you can also harm you. Interestingly the nocebo effect is probably most famous in “voodoo deaths.” We’ve seen the movies depicting that when a person is cursed and told they will die and then dies. In certain cultures, this is for real. 

However, the notion of voodoo death doesn’t just apply to witch doctors in tribal cultures. It is in our own so-called modern society.

Dr. Lissa Rankin in her book: Mind Over Medicine talks of medical literature showing that patients believed to be terminal and who are mistakenly informed that they have only a few months to live have died within their given time frame.

Some autopsy findings reveal no physiological explanation for early death. So every time a doctor says to a patient you have an “incurable” illness or that you’ll be on medication for the rest of your life they’re essentially cursing you with a form of “medical hexing.” 

Scary stuff!

So if our thoughts can make us sick, then they have the ability to make us well. Please note I’m not saying you shouldn’t go to the doctor. That would be very irresponsible. And my own experience is I’ve had very needed short-term relief from medical intervention – thank goodness for those doctors. And I mean that sincerely. 

However, with my health challenges working on the ‘cause’ has been vital for my total recovery. I truly understand the power of thoughts and feelings and how they affect the body.

All of us are shaping our brain and body with the thoughts we think. The emotions you feel, the intentions you hold and what you’re paying attention to manifests your reality. 


  • Self-doubt is a self-fulfilling prophecy.” – Laurell K. Hamilton.
  • “In our own lives, having a mindset of expecting to win increases our odds of winning. It helps us get better results. And better results help us increase our credibility and self-confidence, which leads to more positive self-expectancy, and more winning – and the upward cycle continues. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.” – Stephen Covey.
  • “The visions we offer our children shape the future. It matters what those visions are. Often they become self-fulfilling prophecies.” – Carl Sagan.