Look at your health, your finances, your relationship, it is all there. There is no mystery. Some people seem to anaesthetise themselves from the truth. People “avoid” acquiring information that would make vague fears specific enough to require decisive action. So they live in denial and justifications. The trade-off is a distorted awareness of a sense of security.
Your challenges everyday is that you have two momentums going:
- You have your well established momentum of your habits of thought
- You have the momentum of your intentions (goals)
Which of the two are stronger for you?
So what I’m seeing with my clients is that their habits of thought contradict their desires because their manifestations (ill health, financial woes, relationship challenges) are “indicators” of which are stronger.
Remember that you are where your attention takes you. In fact, you are your attention. If your attention is splintered you are splintered.
Intention is the starting point of every dream. Everything that happens begins with an intention.
“If you want to change your life’s direction, you need to direct your intention, which means first being honest about the thoughts, rationalisations, intentions, and attitudes that you already have.” – Donald Altman.
Intentions are the infrastructure for your life. By directing them and by living with awareness you can live more consciously and deliberately the life you desire.
- Written Intentions Save Time: If you have clear goals, you are less likely to become preoccupied with irrelevant activities.
- Written Intentions Add a Sense of Values: Goals demand that you reflect on your values and that you take a look at yourself in relation to your expectations.
- Written Intentions Help You to Concentrate: Once you really decide that you are going to reach a goal, you can see, hear and think of more possibilities for reaching it than you ever dreamed possible.
- Written Intentions Add to Your Self-Respect: There is an intense satisfaction and self-confirmation in reaching a goal that you have committed yourself to accomplish
- Written Intentions Create a Sense of Purpose and Anticipation in Life: It’s easy to stay enthusiastic about something that’s really important to you.
- Written Intentions Help You Make Good Decisions: It is easier to decide upon a course of action if you know what you are trying to accomplish.
- Written Intentions Reduce Conflict: There is real security in knowing what you want to accomplish and how you plan to accomplish it.
- 10.Written Intentions Are Great Confidence Builders: When you know where you want to go and how you plan to get there, you are more confident of your ability.
There is also a ‘paradox’ that needs to be expressed and cleared up. There is a well-known aphorism which is: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” And: ”Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works”.
It is about the difference between what someone intends to do and what they actually do. Most people want to be judged by their good intentions not by what they do or don’t do.
So here is the challenge in a nutshell: “Before you can have, you must do. And before you can do it, you must BECOME!
Having is the ‘result’ of who we are Being and what we’re Doing
Being is about becoming more of who you really are. It starts by exploring the heart and brain connections and seeing how these help you become more connected with who you really are.
You have to get the heart into the right state which is what we call coherence. When the heart is in sync then the brain is in sync. So now we have more clarity of thought, better ability to self regulate and we make better choices and so when we feel better we do better.
Bringing your mind into coherence with your deeper Heart. That’s how you shift consciousness. By doing this we are aligning with a deeper dimension of our own innate intelligence. This intelligence already exists deep within us; we just have to tune to our own inner-receiver.
Anxiety, worry, unhappiness is when the heart, mind, and emotions are out of sync.
We have some simple practical tools and techniques that allow people to really manage their challenges. These tools help people to align their hearts, mind, and emotions.
“The heart is really the source of emotional intelligence, transferring intelligence to emotions and strengthening our ability to manage them.” – Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
- “Rule your mind or it will rule you.” – Horace.
- “Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears.” – Laird Hamilton
- “It’s hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head.” – Sally Kempton
- “We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are” – Max DePree
- “Genius is the ability to renew one’s emotions in daily experience.” – Paul Cezanne