“Hard work is not the path to Well-Being. Feeling good is the path to Well-Being. You don’t create through action; you create through vibration. And then, your vibration calls action from you.” —Abraham
Vibration means feeling good!
…people who feel good about themselves produce good work
…when you feel good about yourself you’re more creative
…when you feel good about yourself people want to do business with you
…when you feel good about yourself people want to join your organisation
Only too often we’re really trying to compensate for our dysfunctional thinking. We don’t feel good about ourselves or our life. So we work harder and longer hours to overcome the negative drag.
Most people are locked into hard work to try and blast through their problems.
However, Roger Bannister said that he realised that breaking the 4-minute mile was a psychological barrier and not a physical one. So he trained less and spent more time visualising breaking the four-minute mile.
Arnold Schwarzenegger says from the first day of my training, I realised that my competition understands, exercising, diet and nutrition. But I realised that my real competitive edge lay in my mental and psychological strength and I became a master of that!
Jack Nicklaus claims that hitting a good shot depends 10% on his swing, 40% on his set up and stance, and 50% on the mental
Jackie Stewart speaks about how he prepares for a race: “When I’m driving I become aware of having to change my mood, to put aside all these thoughts that could lock me into a plan that might interfere with my driving – so I isolate myself beyond anyone’s reach, trying to cleanse my mind and I negotiate my emotions into a more favourable currency.”
Dr. Tim Noakes in his book says despite all that I’ve written about running, I suspect that the PREPARATION OF THE MIND is probably the most important factor in determining running success.
Give me a lever long enough and fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world”– Archimedes
The most powerful way of LEVERAGING YOUR THINKING is spending time at the beginning of the day developing your mental strength for the day.
Marcus Aurelius the great emperor of Rome prepared himself every morning for his day and set the tone for his day.
So if you want to live a good life you have to build your spirit, you have to build that inner fortress.
If you’re smart you’re realising that the old “Hustle” or “Hard Work” or “There is no gain without pain.” Is passé or out of date. Because savvy people are realising there is a destructive aspect to these old ways of doing things.
I’ve seen how people screw up their health, family life, their peace of mind by clinging to something that in the long run really doesn’t work and never has. We just didn’t know any better. Or we didn’t mind the sacrifice.
So your daily rituals can build physical vitality, emotional strength, spiritual bravery. So that when you walk out into the world each day you’re an undefeatable force who gets more done and lives high up on life.
Intuition is powerful leverage
In our modern civilisation, we have learned to respect and even worship the rational, logical aspect of ourselves, and to dismiss, depreciate, or deny our intuition.
Yet, all great achievers, whether they are business people, musicians, authors, athletes, or world leaders, trust and use their intuition. Mozart claimed he received his inspiration from within; Socrates said he was guided by his inner voice. Einstein, Edison, Marconi, Henry Ford, Madame Currie all attributed their success directly to their intuition.
These people listened to their inner-voice and were prolific creators.
Most of us have been taught from childhood not to trust our feelings. We learn very easily to try to accommodate those around us. When we constantly suppress and distrust our intuitive knowingness, looking instead towards our intellect, we give about our true personal power.
When we follow our intuition, our heart, our inner voice then we can have powerful LEVERAGE.
Henry Mintzberg, in the Harvard Business Review, describes a study he did on high-ranking corporate executives in which he found that they were “constantly relying on hunches to cope with problems too complex for rational thinking.” He concluded: “Success does not lie in the narrow-minded concept called ‘rationality’; it lies in a blend of clear-headed logic and powerful intuition.”
Scientific research has measured that intuition starts first in the heart then within some seconds there are significant changes in the brain and then it goes down into the body into that “gut feeling”.
Science can measure this flow from the heart to the brain to the body. So at that point when it reaches the gut It becomes more of a conscious feeling. So what is interesting is the gut gets the credit but it’s really coming first from the heart and then the brain.
Research shows that we feel good, we bring about harmony between the heart, brain, and body. So when you start to feel appreciation, compassion, kindness on an energetic level you can see it light up in the brain.
The challenge is to regularly move into a coherent state to quiet the mental chatter and emotional unrest. The language of intuition is emotions and feelings. The small still voice of the heart.
Actually, your inner voice Is not still and not so small it’s actually loud if you pay attention to it. It’s just that the mental and emotional mind chatter it’s so loud and drowns out our deeper Inner voice.
So the analogy of this is when you are tuning your radio dial and there’s a lot of static we will keep turning the dial until we can hear clearly the radio station that we are after.
The problem with most people is that they get used to listening to ‘static’ or they just adjust to the negative barrage of thoughts that they don’t even hear anymore.
So when we practice coherence regularly it helps quiet that noise. Especially at the beginning of the day. Make time for this in your morning routine.
Your intuition is always there and it never goes away. It’s YOU that gets detuned. What becomes very important is to start to pay attention and listen to our intuitive prompting. Because if we don’t listen to the whispers they become shouts. A shout is an illness, a shout is a divorce, shouts are business challenges.
Your life is constantly giving you signals, your body is feeling your‘ stuff’ but you gotta listen!!! I was getting signals long before my diagnosis, but I was too busy being busy with busyness.
- “Follow your instincts. That’s where true wisdom manifests itself.” – Oprah Winfrey
- “Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice.” – Steve Jobs
- “I only do what my gut tells me to, I think it’s smart to listen to other people’s advice, but at the end of the day, you’re the only one who can tell you what’s right for you.” Jennifer Lopez
- “I rely far more on gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics.” Richard Branson