

“In a disordered mind, as in a disordered body, soundness of health is impossible.” – Cicero


What if you were told that exercise, eating well, and caring for your body is the least important part of your health? Blasphemous statement for many of you because that’s your thing! Going to the gym which is good – I do it too because it is good stuff but not enough. Even eating the right foods helps but again not enough. I’ve ALWAYS been good with my eating habits, but I now know from experience it wasn’t enough.

There is so much research and proof now that you can in a powerful way boost your body’s physiology just by changing your thoughts and feelings. You can also do the opposite and make yourself ill just by repetitiously thinking unhealthy thoughts and holding unhealthy feelings. 

“When your life falls apart, you can either grow, or you can grow a tumor.” – Dr. Lissa Rankin (author of Mind Over Medicine). WOW!

Everyone needs to really pay attention no matter how young you are or how healthy you think you are. Because so many so-called healthy people who thought they were bulletproof were not!

For example, these wonderful people who did so much in the world and who appeared to be bulletproof because of their so-called success:

  • Eugene Kelly Chairman and CEO of KPMG at age 53 was diagnosed with late-stage brain cancer and given three to six months to live
  • Steve Jobs dies a billionaire with a fortune of $7 billion at age 56 from pancreatic cancer
  • Patrick Swayze also died of pancreatic cancer
  • Farrah Fawcett died of anal cancer

All of these people were taken by surprise when they were given the diagnosis.

This is not about scaring you but inspiring you. It is also not about “catching it early” which doctors love saying. My observation is that the medical profession and big pharma won’t tell you this, but the best health advice is: PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE! Yes? 

We live in a world where we get really busy being busy with BUSYNESS and get distracted around the wrong things. 

The question is what is the point of spending your life climbing these mountains only to realise when it’s too late that you climbed the wrong mountains. 

Or in other words, you had your ladder up against the wrong roof. So what do you want to stand for in your life? 


We need to “deliberately” and “consistently” hold a frequency, an attitude, a mood, a consciousness that will change our biology, our physiology.

You and I and every other human being, are shaping our brain, and body by the thoughts and feelings we habitually fixate on.

Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event – so when you’re worrying, you are planning. 

By changing your internal state, you can change your external reality. Here’s something we’ve spoken about in our workshops which is that every thought that you think creates a chemical. 


Our brain and body are a pharmacy and every thought that we think creates a chemical. For example here are four powerful chemicals that we manufacture with good feeling thoughts:

Seratonin is a mood stabiliser and we can create it simply by a walk in nature, sun exposure, looking for and seeing things that make you feel good, like doing the Appreciation exercises or meditating.

Oxytocin is the love hormone, it’s called the “cuddle hormone” that is stimulated by touch and is associated with feelings of reliance and love. Hugging, playing with your children, ‘scheduling’, and spending quality time with the people you love.

Endorphins are a pain killer and many times more powerful than morphine. These chemicals make you feel good and also ease both physical and emotional pain. Exercising (the runners high), smiling, laughter, doing the ‘Divine Attributes’ exercise is a powerful way to stimulate your endorphins.

Dopamine is a reward chemical. Listening to pleasurable music that gives you goosebumps is a sure sign of dopamine. Working with your Success Habits sheet and On-Track Journal, completing tasks, and acknowledging your successes will also trigger dopamine.

“Know, then, whatever cheerful and serene supports the mind supports the body too.” – John Armstrong

So when you experience good feelings then your body makes immune modulators that stimulate the immune system which are oxytocin, dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. Now the body has the ability to repair itself, to restore itself, to heal itself.


When you’re frightened, in stress, negative, and in survival mode, your body releases large amounts of epinephrine, adrenaline, and cortisol. This is very debilitating for the body itself because cortisol, adrenaline, and epinephrine ‘block’ communication in the body to produce healthy hormones. 

So this limits the body to create hormones like serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins. And in turn, this damages the immune system.
Always remember your cells are constantly eavesdropping on your thoughts.


In the last blog post, we spoke about the power of The 8 Areas of Life or the eight forms of wealth. This is exactly what each area of life is – they are an area of wealth that we often do not appreciate. 

We take for granted or compromise the other areas of life for one area. In many cases, work becomes our sole focus at the expense of the other areas. However, my experience from observation over four decades is that as soon as someone becomes more balanced their work success explodes.

Studies have shown that individuals who enjoy more balance are more fulfilled. People who feel good about themselves develop greater confidence because enjoying balance improves self-esteem and people with greater self-esteem perform at peak levels at work.

Our goal is to help you change your beliefs and perceptions about your life and reduce the thoughts, feelings, and biological reactions that are limiting your life experience.


  • “Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body.” – Cicero
  • “Diseases of the mind impair the bodily powers. “ – Ovid
  • “When the head aches, all the body is the worst.” – English Proverb
  • “It is more important for the doctor to know the patient who has the disease than to know the disease that has the patient.” – Dr. Albert Schweitzer