

We are literally what we think, our attitudes are our habits of thought and express our character. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he” – Bible

Thought and character are one! We think our thoughts can be kept secret, but it cannot because our thoughts crystallise into a habit, and those habits show up in our results. 

  • Look at your results at work, 
  • Take stock of your relationships, 
  • Notice your body or your health
  • Look at the state of your finances

Your life is a printout of your programming. The subconscious is called the secret mind because it is operating without your awareness. So what is the master secret to a more successful and happy life? It is found in your own subconscious mind, which is the last place that most people would look.


So the subconscious mind and the conscious mind don’t learn in the same way. Most people don’t understand this and don’t make the progress they could make and are capable of making. 

The subconscious mind is a habitual mind and has habits in it. Primarily it learns through habituation. How you learned to drive a car, tie your shoelace, learning to speak your language by learning your ABC over and over. 

The conscious mind is not a habit mind it’s a creative mind and it’s very smart, but you can read the self-improvement book and if you did a test after reading it, you’d probably get a good score. A good question to ask yourself, however, is did your subconscious mind learn what you read? And the answer is NO!


You’ve got to translate from the conscious mind into the subconscious mind. Just because you put it into the conscious mind doesn’t mean it is in the subconscious mind. YOU’VE REALLY GOT TO UNDERSTAND THAT!!! That is why most people don’t really change.


As parents, we REALLY need to understand the role we play in the programming of our children’s beliefs and the impact those beliefs have on our children’s lives. When children are born they have what is called pure consciousness. In other words, they come into this life feeling so good about who they are. However, every day of interacting with those who have forgotten about their own true value, these little ones are little by little taught their own diminished value. 

For most children, their wellbeing has been trained out of them. While many parents mean well but are feeling vulnerable and are in a state of fear, worry, anger, or frustration they will elicit unwanted behaviour from their child. 

But when you are in a state of love, appreciation, eagerness, or fun – you will evoke wanted behaviour from your child.

We need to restore a sense of wellbeing in our children, but we can’t give what we don’t have. So we need to start with ourselves.


Many people are anxious to improve their situation but are unwilling to improve themselves and they, therefore, remain stuck and bound up.  Improving yourself means to work on your thoughts and feelings. Your outer conditions and circumstances of your life will always be changed by your inner state of mind.

So reprogramming the subconscious with your blessings, with your dreams and desires, become deeply committed to achieving your goals.

  • The things that come to us easily, our propensities, are carried on a deep subconscious level into our next life. There are no coincidences.” ― Raquel Cepeda
  • “To shift your life in the desired direction, you must powerfully shift your subconscious.” ― Kevin Michel
  • “Act with purpose, courage, confidence, competence, and intelligence until these qualities ‘lock-in’ to your subconscious mind.” ― Brian Tracy