Covid 19 is slowing us down externally so we can find ourselves internally. We’re needing to shift and relook at what true prosperity means in our lives.
Here’s a great example of this shift. A very dear client of mine Bryan Shepstone sent me this message earlier this week: “Our news is that we are in the process of semi-emigrating to the beach, which as you know has been on my goals list! Sold our house of 20 years, and hope to be at the beach by the beginning of May. Looking forward to a simpler, slower life of great moments to savour.”
WOW! Very wise and beautiful move for Bryan and his family.
It is said that life is a Cosmic Vacation, a vacation of a lifetime. This is it! I just love it.
Covid is a very hard wake-up call for our civilisation in that we’re having to reexamine everything we have believed in. Open your eyes and you’ll see that the old is slowly but surely crumbling around us.
If you’re in denial don’t worry it will become more and more obvious as time is unfolding.
Every aspect of our lives is going through wonderful changes if we look carefully. For example, start knowing what health really means, what family really means, what money really means.
Covid obviously isn’t a good thing but because of it, we’re being forced to wake up which is a brilliant thing because we can refresh, renew, regenerate our lives.
“Out of the chaos comes order, beauty, and love – to birth a new life – a new world.” – THEO
So, let’s talk about money. Money is a tool meant to help transform our lives in more meaningful ways. However, fear, stress, and anxiety over money permeate our society. They affect both the rich and poor. Many times our unconscious and unhealthy relationship with money have caused many of the challenges we experience.
“There’s a big difference between people who make a lot of money and people who are financially comfortable.”
What’s the difference? The obvious answer is: That’s because big earners are people who spend their money, but financially comfortable people save and invest most of their money.
Being financially comfortable doesn’t start with a huge wallet full of cash. Wealth starts with the right mindset.
I have a client Leon Levy (an extraordinary entrepreneur) who is a self-made millionaire and who made his first million in 1973 at the age of 24 bringing in those old 16 millimeter home movies. He lost that money soon after and then made it again, and lost it and made it again and again.
But he always used to say to me: “I’m not scared of losing money because I know how to make it.” WOW! That’s a powerful mindset.
For clever people, it’s not really about how to make more money. It’s really about their attitude, their energy, their frequency, their vibration about money. They know when they get the inner feelings right the outer will take care of itself.
Sometimes there is an illusion of money as our safety net, and we will remain prisoners of our own making. Money will own you if you let it.
For Leon Levy money is not his security – HE IS his security!!! His mindset and belief about himself. He is the alchemist turning lead experiences into golden opportunities.
A consciousness of abundance becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as can a consciousness of poverty. The key thing is how you can make the shift. To remove destructive patterns you have around money that are blocking your path to a comfortable experience with money.
“Resistant thoughts are the only thing that holds you apart from anything that you desire.” – Abraham
I love this quote because it is the true crux of ALL our problems. It is deceptively simple but the power of what is being said is ENORMOUS, it is HUGE!
This blogpost will hopefully start to help you reconstruct your thoughts about your financial life through changing your ‘perspective’ about wealth and your approach to it.
We’ve all grown up with cockeyed and skewed brainwashing about money, and some very negative examples around us.
People who are brought up in families where there is plenty of money and material things are provided and receive a special kind of programming. They live amidst an attitude that the possessions you want will be provided so there is no need to worry.
However, many people grow up in an environment where financial matters are a struggle, because there is not enough and things are too expensive.
A client of mine was telling me a funny story about his 6-year-old daughter who was asking her mother for money that she needed for something at school. They were talking in the kitchen and he was in the living room reading. He then heard his wife saying to their daughter why don’t you ask your father and the daughter replied: “No mommy because he never has money.”
That is funny but also very sad because many times we’re being socialised to our detriment not just about money and prosperity, but on many other things that hurt us in all aspects of living happily and successfully.
“I am not interested in money but in the things of which money is the symbol. – Henry Ford
What kind of symbol is money for you? Is it a symbol of lack, fear, anxiety? Or is it a symbol of abundance, opportunities, freedom? It’s all in the attitude, your mood, and feelings about money.
Look at your life clearly and it will be abundantly clear to you what money means to you. How does money affect your relationships, your mood with your family when you go home, at work with your staff or colleagues, your health or lack thereof.
Even if you have a lot you may be feeling anxious about what you have.
Paul Getty considered the richest man in the world in the ’70s and in today’s terms, his personal worth would be $21 billion. Here’s what he said about money: “I find having all this money a considerable burden.”
So even with all his money he still felt poor in that he never felt prosperous and if you’ve watched the movie about his life – All The Money In The World – it is pretty obvious he wasn’t a happy camper.
I do have many wealthy clients who are happy but it goes beyond what they have. I have one client who now lives on a wine farm in the Cape with his family, and I admire how he lives his life. I’m not saying he is perfect or that his life is, but he is dedicated to his family and is a wonderful boss in his businesses.
I’ve worked with him personally and in-house with his staff since the year 2000 and he really is a wonderful man. Takes his key people skiing in Austria regularly.
“Money is not the root of happiness, but it is not the root of evil either. Money is a result of how somebody lines up their energy.” – Abraham-Hicks
Yes, look for those quick get rich schemes if you feel so inclined, or any money-making endeavour, but first and foremost fix your attitude about money.
- “If a man runs after money, he’s money-mad
If he keeps it, he’s a capitalist
If he spends it, he’s a playboy
If he doesn’t get it, he’s a never-do-well
If he doesn’t try to get it, he lacks ambition
If he gets it without working for it, he’s a parasite
And if he accumulates it after a lifetime of hard work, people call him a fool who never got anything about of life” – Vic Oliver
- “I’d like to live like a poor man with lots of money” – Pablo Picasso
- “Those who condemn wealth are those who have none and see no chance of getting it” – William Penn Patrick