


What kind of foundation must we lay which cannot be disturbed by the process of life. The process of life is going to happen.

  • People will die,   
  • There are people who will experience dis-ease. 
  • People will have challenges in life –  like divorce, losing their job, accidents. 

In other words things will be happening that are challenging. So if you’re going to be happy you have to be happy beyond these things otherwise there is no way to be happy. 

Anything can happen – we don’t wish it but things are going to happen. In fact just the thought of what can happen can shatter you. It may not happen but just the thought can be enough to disturb your peace of mind. Thinking about your children, thinking about your job, thinking about your body, about the aches and pains you experience sometimes. 


So many times you are triggered by life events, life situations or people and “react” negatively.

 You really have to “remind” yourself that it is not what is happening to you that is the challenge, it’s your REACTION! As we have said many time before and is always worth repeating: ”10% of life is made up of what happens to you and 90% is how you react” – Charles Swindoll. 

“You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you.” – Warren Buffett (***please read this carefully because some people misunderstand what is being said – it’s about you, not the other person)

So do you want others to control you or do you want to be in control of yourself and how you react? 


So, yes, you may not control what is happening around you, but how you react is in your control and THAT IS WHERE YOUR POWER LIES. It is not so much that you want to be free of the problem – it is more that you want to be free of your negative response! 

When you practice feeling good over a period of time what happens is you get ‘shock absorbers’ and even though challenges  present themselves you don’t feel them like you used to. So even though you’re driving down a bumpy road it doesn’t feel like it. WOW!!!


Studies show that when we practice appreciation we are practicing self-love and self-compassion…… we start to recognize our own value … we develop a positive personality … it makes us more optimistic… we are happier and studies show that happy people are more hopeful and healthier … we are better at solving our challenges and are more creative … we strengthen our positive emotions … we realize that we are the master of our own happiness… we cultivate kindness and compassion… we create a prosperity consciousness 


  • A man who can control himself is more worthy than a man who can control and army
  • To conquer a thousand men in a thousand battles is not the ultimate aim – the true warrior learns to conquer himself
  • For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.  – Plato